Monday, November 1, 2010

Luminex: "Promotes Emotional Health and Well-Being*"

Like I said in my “Why Start this Blog?” page, I have a Son with some Neurological issues and he can be very draining and life with him can be very isolating. There are days where the idea of doing a simple ask like going to the Post Office is too daunting to even attempt because you know that he will act out and make a scene. Plus I have a younger son who is almost two and that is a draining age just in itself so when I go out it is hard. I also have a history of depression in my family and I have always had a very melancholy personality type. I think in the back of my mind I always knew that one day I would be dependent on some kind of med to stabilize my mood but I dreaded that day. I am very health conscious when it comes to what I put in my body and I fear synthetic meds and what the lasting side effects might be. So I made decision a few months ago when I was feeling especially melancholy and isolated because I was going through a lot with a big move to a new city and A LOT of bad days with my Son that I was going to try an all natural approach to feeling better and maybe prolong or completely eliminate the need for prescription meds. So I started by taking extra careful care of my diet and making sure I was getting a good balance, taking my vitamins regularly and I started exercising at least 3-5 days a week for about an hour and it helped but it wasn’t really enough. I then decided I would give Luminex a try for one month…that was all I was going to give it and if I didn’t feel a difference I would quit and just except that diet and exercise only does so much and I may have to see a Doc about the mood anyway :( Well, I didn’t have to do it. I have been taking Luminex regularly for almost three months now and I have noticed a difference in my attitude, my emotional reactions to my kids, my husband, myself, I feel more optimistic, I feel great. I convinced my husband to try it last month because he has a really stressful job and he tends to take things so personal and he too has a melancholy type personality and I thought if it helped me it might help him. And so far he said it does make him feel better! He and I give it two thumbs up :)

*These Statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This Product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.